
When I lived in the University of Wisconsin-Madison residence halls last year, I became accustomed to going into the dining halls and eating whatever I pleased. After doing this for a couple of months, I realized that I couldn’t keep buying as much food as I was because my Housing Food account was running out of money way too quickly. This is when I became curious about how the food-system at UW-Madison works and why it is set up this way. Many of my friends who attend other universities have set meal-plan options throughout their college career. Here at Wisconsin, there is no true meal-plan system for all students. This made me wonder what the benefits of the university food-system are and what options students have.
I decided to research four of the different food-systems available for university students on or around campus. I found more details on the Housing Food account, Campus Cash account, Union Meal account and the Red Card off-campus meal-plan. Each tab on this website has more information on each of these accounts. Make sure to check for links on each page to read more about the food systems!

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